Jordan Sidoo – Motivated to Help Others


Philanthropy is the practice of giving money, time and other resources to the less fortunate, or to selected causes. It is defined as the practice of giving money and time to help those in need. For example, if you donate money to an animal rescue organization or sponsor a child through ChildFund International, you are being philanthropic.
Jordan Sidoo Philanthropy is a way of giving back to the community, whose values have helped them become the company they are today. They donate 5% of their profits each year to charities that support education and drive innovation across the globe.
Their philanthropy efforts are based on the belief that they have a responsibility to their local and global community. Philanthropy is more than donating money; it’s about being engaged with your community, where you live and work. They focus on both community investment and employee engagement to make sure that their communities grow together.
Connecting People to their Passion and Purpose
Charitable giving is a long-standing tradition. Philanthropy is the act of giving money to good causes, especially to support arts, education and health. Philanthropy is an action of generosity, a duty to share with others. It means sharing their abundance with those in need and encouraging others to do the same. Through their grantmaking processes, they ensure that all grantees are held accountable for their work, including those delivering services directly to individuals in need and those tackling the broader issues that affect communities.
Jordan Sidoo Philanthropy is the love of humanity and of human beings, for the simple reason that they are what they are, regardless of who you are or what you have done, and so it represents the glory of the spirit. It is love without conditions. The opposite of philanthropy is egoism, which represents the rule of darkness over light.
A socially responsible person, build and empower communities through giving back to humanity.